These pages provide an overview of and a set of links to the principal resources of the blog. These resources can also be accessed from the tag menu but that will provide a less structured view of the available information on the blog. Where there is no link to the item it is still a work in progress and will be posted at some time in the future.
Scenarios General Description
The intent with each scenario is to examine some aspect of Cold War ground combat, develop a game Scenario around it, play the game and write a review of the activity looking at it from both a gaming perspective and a warfighting perspective.
The aim is to create a series of posts that look at:
- Tactical Techniques and Procedures (TTPs). These posts provide a review of the doctrine and procedures around which the scenario will be built.
- Scenario. This will cover the background to the game the game structure and the forces involved including downloads of any material produced.
- AAR. The Review of the game play including any useful reflections on the play or gaming mechanisms.
- Wargames Forces: Pictures of the forces involved.
Scenario 1
The Wissenberg Counter Attack.
The Wisenberg counter Attack is set in Southern Germany in August 1988. It involves the blocking action by an MRD reserve force against a counter attack by a German Panzer Brigade. It examines the Soviet use of task organised forces in Hasty Defence.
Orbat - Soviet Task Org, Fronts in the Western TVD
Wargames Unit:
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRD, Anti Tank Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Anti Tank Reserve
Wargames Unit - Soviet Lates 80's MRB
Wargames Unit:
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRD, Anti Tank Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Anti Tank Reserve
Wargames Unit - Soviet Lates 80's MRB
The Game was played on 19 August 2012 between:
The Game was played on 19 August 2012 between:
- German side, The Guild Forum's Mausman and Panzerfaust 200
- Soviet Side also from the Guild Forum, Elhiem and Andy Rix
The Wissenberg Counter Attack, This is a big file 30mb (too many pictures)
Wissenberg Google Earth KMZ file
Soviet Military Maps
Scenario 2
Storming The Waidhaus Gap
Storming The Waidhaus Gap is set in Southern Germany in August 1988. It details the securing of the border crossing point at Waidhaus by a forward detachment of 18 Gds MRD supported by elements of 901 Air Assault Battalion prior to the crossing by 18 Gds MRD. The NATO covering force consisting of elements of 251 Falshirmjager Battalion, 4 Panzeraufsklarung Battalion and 12 Panzer Brigade are covering 4 Panzer Grenidier Divisions frontage in order to identify, engage and delay the Soviet force. It examines the use of forward detachments supported by Air Assault units to secure key terrain and block counter attacks in order to maintain the momentum of the main force.
TTP-Forward Detachments and Tactical Air Assault
Scenario - Storming The Waidhaus Gap
ORBAT - Soviet Air Assault Capability Part 1, Overview and Lift Assets
ORBAT - Soviet Air Assault Capability Part 2, Army Air Assault Battalion
Wargames Unit:
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's Independent DShV Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's MRB
Wargames Unit - The German Army at Waidhaus
Wargames Unit - Soviet, Combat Helicopter Regiment, Assault Helicopter Squadron
Wargames Unit - Soviet, Combat Helicopter Regiment, Attack Helicopter Squadron
Wargames Unit - 468 MSB, Divisional Forward Detachment at Waidhaus
AAR-Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 1 Ground and Deployment
AAR-Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 2 Soviet Air Land Battle
AAR -Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 3, Counter Attack
Storming The Waidhaus Gap, 19 Mb
Scenario - Storming The Waidhaus Gap
ORBAT - Soviet Air Assault Capability Part 1, Overview and Lift Assets
ORBAT - Soviet Air Assault Capability Part 2, Army Air Assault Battalion
Wargames Unit:
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's Independent DShV Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's MRB
Wargames Unit - The German Army at Waidhaus
Wargames Unit - Soviet, Combat Helicopter Regiment, Assault Helicopter Squadron
Wargames Unit - Soviet, Combat Helicopter Regiment, Attack Helicopter Squadron
Wargames Unit - 468 MSB, Divisional Forward Detachment at Waidhaus
AAR-Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 1 Ground and Deployment
AAR-Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 2 Soviet Air Land Battle
AAR -Storming The Waidhaus Gap, Part 3, Counter Attack
Storming The Waidhaus Gap, 19 Mb
Scenario 3
Passing the Baton at Nienberg
Passing the Baton at Nienberg looks at how a covering force breaks clean from a delay action in order to hand the battle over to the delaying elements when in contact with the main body of the enemies force. This is a particularly difficult element of the battle to fight as the force tasked with the delaying action must avoid excessive loss and becoming decisively engaged whilst inflicting delay and attrition on the enemy force it is in contact with. Air, Aviation, Obstacles, Artillery and elements of the inlace force all have a part to play in checking the enemys advance to allow the in contact force to break clean. This scenario examines these problems from the perspective of a UK brigades own covering force for a Cold War engagement in the late 1980's.
- ORBAT - Soviet Task Org, Fronts against NORTHAG
- ORBAT - NATO's Northern Army Group, 1 Br Corps Deployment
- ORBAT - 1980's British BG, NATO and BAOR Reinforcement, Part 1 General
- ORBAT - 1980's Soviet MRR and TRR, Part 3a Engineer Company
- ORBAT - 1980's Soviet MRR and TRR, Part 1 Deployment and ORBAT
Wargames Unit:
What scale miniatures did you use for the German first scenario? I want to start a CWC German force, and those Germans look fantastic! What manufacturer made those models??
ReplyDeleteThey are all 20mm 1/72 from a variety of gamers collections the Wargames Unit - The German Army at Waidhaus under scenario 2 covers off a bunch of the model makes and manufacturers