This shot below from the same set of photos shows the town of Hattenhof from the East bypassed by Aufklärungsbataillon 4 who drove to link up with the 46 Jägerbataillon who should have been in Schmalwiesen
Sunday, 28 October 2012
AAR - Wissenberg Counter Attack, Part 1 Ground
This shot below from the same set of photos shows the town of Hattenhof from the East bypassed by Aufklärungsbataillon 4 who drove to link up with the 46 Jägerbataillon who should have been in Schmalwiesen
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Scenario - The Weissenberg Counter Attack
- Game 1 Delay battle Treuchtlingen
- Game 2 Block at Wiessenberg
- Game 3 (German Victory in Game 2) German Counter Stroke into Flank of 210 Tank Regiment
- Game 4 (Germans blocked) Counter Attack by 91 Independent Tank Battalion
- A Motor Rifle Battalion (BMP),
- 3 Air Assault Companies,
- An Anti Tank Battalion
- A Mobile Obstacle Detachment
- A Recce Company
- A company of Tanks
- 3 Artillery Battalions
with which to do this along with a T-72 Bn held in reserve, the deployment of which altered the victory conditions. As the concept was hasty defence the Soviets were only provided with limited field defences and obstacles. Though they had the ability to deploy more in game using Engineer and Artillery assets.
TTP - Soviet Forward Detachments as a Covering Force
ORBAT - Soviet Task Org, Fronts in the Western TVD
ORBAT - Soviet Air Assault Capability, Part 1 Overview and Lift
ORBAT- 1980's MRR and TRR, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
ORBAT - Soviet Divisional Units, Part 1MRD Anti Tank Battalion
The Wissenberg Counter Attack, This is a big file 30mb (too many pictures)
Wissenberg Google Earth KMZ file
Soviet Military Maps
Friday, 19 October 2012
Review - Books, Weapons and Tactics of The Soviet Army, Isbey
One of the definitive texts for the cold war gamer, everything you ever wanted to know about the Soviets and more. My Gran bought me my first copy way back in the early 80s the one to go for however is this one the revised 1988 reprint. I bought mine a couple of years ago when I first started getting into cold war and at that time it was a snip at £40 second hand. Sadly these days if you can find one below £100 you are doing well.
It covers the space of FM 100-2-1, 2-2 and 2-3 but with better pictures a clearer text and an elegant approach to detailing task organisation that builds units from there components. It Covers the broad structure of the Soviet Army its Doctrine in terms of Offence and defence, and reviews this against operational performance in a number of conflicts.
David then goes onto examine supporting functions before examining the principal classes of weapon systems within the context of their arm of service, detailed organisation and tactical deployment, A style which I find highly useful. A brilliant book which I have been reading for the best part of 30 years and despite the internet and all the great books you can access through it, that you never knew existed before, it remains one of the core texts on the Soviet Army, staggering in both its detail and accuracy given the time it was written at effectively the height of the cold war.
David Isby is a military analyst and a bit of a global expert on defence and security he has written extensively on the cold war and soviet operations in afghanistan. He is also a man with an extensive background in war games and games design working for a number of years for SPI on Strategy and Tactics magazine.
all up this is an excellent book and one I would not be without if you can find one at a decent price grab it.
Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army
Other Book Reviews
Soviet Air Land Battle Tactics
The Military Balance
Encyclopaedia of the Modern British Army
The Soviet Conduct of Tactical Manoeuvre
First Clash
The Third World War
The British Army in Germany
The Cold War Bookstore contains links to over 60 Cold War titles covered in my book list
Monday, 15 October 2012
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's MRB
ORBAT - 1980's Soviet MRR and TRR, Part 1 Deployment and ORBAT
TTP - Soviet Forward Detachment as a Covering Force
Wargames Unite - Soviet Early 80's MRB
Thursday, 11 October 2012
TTP - Soviet, Forward Detachments as a Covering Force
- Attrit enemy reconnaissance and main force units.
- Gain time to prepare the main defence.
- Deceive as to the location and structure of the main defence.
- Gain intelligence on the enemy.
Each Regiment could generate a MOD and Division could generate an additional one from the independent Engineer Battalion, upto 2 MODs supporting a single Battalion deployed in this role would seem reasonable. The composition of a Mobile Obsticle Detachment is covered here.
- 4 Bns of 2S1 ( 1 in each of its TR and MRR), organic
- DAG 2 Bn 2S1, 1 Bn 2S3, 1 Bn MRL BM21, organic
- From Army 2 Bn 2S5, attached,
- From Front 3Bn 2S3, 1Bn MRL BM 27, 1 Bn 2S4 240mm Mortar, 1 Bn 2S7 203mm Guns, attached
Air Defence. An air defence battery or battalion could be deployed to cover the area and supplement the battalions organic SA7 assets.
ORBAT Soviet MRR and TR, Part 1, Deployement and ORBAT
ORBAT Soviet MRR and TR, Part 3 Engineer Support
ORBAT Soviet MRR and TR, Part 4 Artillery
ORBAT Soviet Divisional Units, Part 1 MRD Anti Tank Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet Late 80's MRB
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Anti Tank Reserve
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRD, Anti Tank Battalion
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Air Defence Battery
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Recce Company
Wargames Unit - Soviet MRR, Regimental Artillery Group
The Soviet Conduct of Tactical Maneuver: Spearhead of the Offensive, D Glanz
Soviet Airland Battle Tactics, WP Baxter
Weapons and Tactics of the Soviet Army, D Isby
FM 100-2-2 Specialised Warfare and Rear Area Support, Chapter 3 Heliborn Operations
FM 100-2-3, Soviet Troop Organisation and Equipment
Defending Forward Soviet Activities in Advance of the Main Defence, DTIC 1989
Scenario - The Weissenberg Counter Attack
Saturday, 6 October 2012
Terrain - Modern Supermarket
The Building is constructed using foam core, cardboard, plasticard; sheet, rod and strips along with MDF. The first step in construction is the establishment of the basic shape and structure using foam core cut to the dimensions on the plan then attached to the base and each other using white glue.