Welcome to Cold War Gamer, a blog I am using to record my Cold War wargaming projects. These range from fictitious Cold War hot projects to historical conflicts that took place around the globe throughout the Cold War era, all modelled and gamed in 20mm. The blog includes links to various resources useful to the Cold War Gamer.

My current projects include: Central Front; British & Soviet. South African Border War; Angolans and South Africans. Soviet Afghan War; Soviets and Afghans

Tuesday 27 March 2012

Review - Web Resources, Air Power Australia

I found this web site the other day whilst looking for some information on Soviet Air Defence Systems. It covers both aircraft and air defence systems with some very well researched and analysed articles and some excellent imagery including either satellite or air photos of air defence installations.  Most cold war Soviet systems are covered and it includes equipment that hadn't quite entered service when the Soviet Union collapsed. Key equipments covered include all the SAMs  from 2 -22 they also cover PLA deployed systems both in terms of description and performance analysis.

If your into the technology it covers that off at a level of detail, and has some superb articles on static SAM sites 

Slightly off topic in the Historical section it has some great pictures of current Australian military vehicles.

The web site offers an open and independent source of information primarily on Air and Air Defence topics with a mass of data that will be of interest to the cold war gaming community and to those historically interested in the period or Air Defence in general. Just what the Internet was made for really, sharing.

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